04 Oct IMR at the Sustainability Summit 2021
What is the Sustainability Summit 2021
Sustainability is at the heart of building and protecting the future for us, our friends and families, and for generations to come. The growing clarion call for businesses to be on the path to zero-carbon means sustained pro-action is needed by all stakeholders in the business community. The Business Show’s Sustainability Summit 2021 programme is a comprehensive offering comprising virtual events, online editorial and live C-Suite engagement, all of which will deliver viable solutions for the coming decade.
Sustainability 2021 is designed to provide attendees with the tools needed to achieve sustainability goals while offering a unique opportunity to network with peers and industry leaders.
Sustainable Manufacturing – The Path to Net Zero
David McCormack, Director of Sustainable Manufacturing at Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR), hosts a “fireside” chat with Industry members at this year’s Sustainability Summit. The discussion is on Sustainable Manufacturing’s Path to Net-Zero. David is be joined by Andrea Cawley, Commercial Director at Automation Plastics Ltd, Austin Geraghty, Global Director of Health, Safety & Sustainability at Hovione, and Gary McCarthy, Director of Global Sales at Wisetek.
Sustainable Creativity – A Catalyst for Disruption
Andrew Lynch, Chief Innovation Officer at IMR is joined by Keith Nally, Creative Director at Church of Oak Distillery and Moderator Joan Mulvihill, Digitalisation Lead at Siemens for this Sustainable Summit 2021 discussion on Sustainable Creativity – A Catalyst for Disruption