29 Mar Q1 2021 MAAS Activity update
It’s been a busy Q1 for the MAAS project! On the 28th of January Airbus hosted an 18-month checkpoint review where partners presented a progress report to SmartEureka, Enterprise Ireland (EI) and CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology). The 1st review was preceded by a MAAS monthly review on the 13th of January, which ensured alignment on 2021 deliverables. This was quickly followed up by a February monthly review meeting on 17th of February. Considerable progress has been reported during these meetings:
- Robotnik have demonstrated automated battery change by a mobile robot, screwing operations and autonomous navigation.
- Airbus have demonstrated progress on panel screwing operations, rear spar preforming trials and composite repair process for assembly lines.
- TEG have completed full scanning of rear stabilizer and demonstrated CAD matching of 3D point cloud scans.
- IMR have made improvements in measurement capability of a low cost 3d scanner mounted on a robot arm, produced research document on scanning capabilities and continued with dissemination activities.
A project funded under the SMART EUREKA CLUSTER on Advanced Manufacturing programme through Enterprise Ireland