29 Apr Manufacturing and Supply Chain Awards Postponed
Press Release: Irish Manufacturing Research Manufacturing & Supply Chain Awards Event Postponed
Irish Manufacturing Research, in partnership with Premier Publishing, have announced the postponement of the Manufacturing & Supply Chain Awards which was due to take place on Wednesday 25th of May in the Citywest Hotel, Dublin.
The awards, which recognises the Best of Manufacturing in Ireland is a prominent date in the Manufacturing calendar.
CEO of IMR Barry Kennedy said, “Due to unprecedented events, namely the requirement for the Government to continue to use Citywest as a processing centre for Ukrainian refugees, the event is being rescheduled. We very much respect and understand the position and the need for a sizeable venue such as Citywest. The new date and venue for the awards will be announced in the coming weeks.”
He continued, “Given the awards could not take place for the last two years due to Covid-19, there is great interest in this event. We have decided to extend the date for final submissions to allow companies more time to enter. We are encouraging all Manufacturers to identify excellence in Manufacturing in your organisations. What better way to recognise your teams than to nominate them into this year’s awards and showcase the very best of Manufacturing in Ireland.”
All the entries which have been submitted will still be valid, but should an entrant wish to modify their entry then this will be possible up to the new closing date on Friday 3rd June.
There are 12 award categories open for entry.
Start your submission today to ensure you are part of this wonderful evening for the Manufacturing sector.
The Manufacturing and Supply Chain Exhibition which will take place on Wednesday 25th and Thursday the 26th of May has been relocated to RDS Simmonscourt.