5000+ Students Reached During Science Week 2020

5000+ Students Reached During Science Week 2020

Map of Ireland showing IMR's Science Week reachIMR’s Science Week 2020 ‘Choosing Our Future’ activities, in partnership with Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) has been a huge hit with 237 primary schools and 125 secondary schools participating during the week. Schools all over Ireland signed up for science, technology, and engineering activities that were delivered from the 9th until the 13th of November. IMR sent each participating school E-packs with virtual videos and guides on each activity.

Geeks Unleashed

To start the week off, IMR had a live webinar where students got to ask IMR researchers & engineers questions about their jobs, careers, and background. For example, one student wanted to know “Do you have to be good at mathematics to become a Data Analyst?”. Another question that helped break the stereotypes around STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) was “Were you ever told you can’t do engineering because you’re a woman?”. Thanks to the researchers’ commitment to increase STEM engagement in schools nationwide, the students got to find out answers to the questions they were eager to know through a live webinar. It has now been uploaded to IMR’s YouTube channel as it continues to be a source of information for those wishing to learn more about careers in STEM.

Who Wants to be a Kahootaire?

School class taking kahoot quiz for Science WeekA Kahoot! Quiz Challenge was carefully created by IMR Outreach Coordinator Isabel Meza and has been played by 2800 secondary students and 1292 primary students around Ireland. This challenge was an opportunity for students to compete against other schools while learning facts and figures about STEM and having fun!

GenZero Waste WorkshopBenefits of Circular Economy

The GenZero Waste Workshop created by Romain Couture, IMR Senior Circular Economy Researcher, went down a huge treat with some eye-opening facts for students and teachers to explain the importance of the circular economy, with compliment emails still coming in. One of the teachers stated “Many thanks for all the wonderful resources and support. I particularly enjoyed the zero-waste workshop as I run the environment committee in our school.”

ElectroSONIC Robotic Workshop

ardagh ns lighthouses (1)The last workshop IMR delivered was the ElectroSONIC Robotic Workshop. 30 schools across Ireland received Robotic kits with a step by step video on how to create their very own robot. This workshop had fantastic feedback from both students and teachers. “We had a great time making our lighthouses and it crossed over all aspects of the curriculum from oral language to history to construction and design in art and obviously science with the circuits. The class was thrilled with their finished lighthouses.”

Many thanks to all the IMR staff who generously gave up their time to make this such a success and to all the teachers, students, and schools for participating!