IMR delighted to welcome PlantQuest

IMR delighted to welcome PlantQuest

Plantquest Member

IMR is delighted to welcome PlantQuest as new members.

PlantQuest provides signal-free location and navigation solutions to large process facilities.

They can help you to:

  • Navigate complex sites & find assets/equipment quickly and easily
  • Get your ERT team to the site of an alarm or emergency fast
  • Locate and navigate to objects that move around the plant

Finding fixed and mobile assets faster enables:

  • increased safety
  • reduces risk
  • maximises productivity
  • reduces costs

PlantQuest prides itself on simplifying complex facilities and delivering cutting-edge asset location & EHS software that digitally transforms how large Pharma and manufacturing sites operate.

How much time are you wasting looking for equipment? – Discover PlantQuest’s research into this ‘hidden’ issue

The PlantQuest team has spent the last 20 years working on Pharma and Oil & Gas megaprojects and have witnessed the inefficiencies and waste occurring at various stages of the project process. It is true that some of these inefficiencies are a function of the scale and complexity of the projects themselves, but quite often the waste can be born out of outdated systems and work practices. PlantQuest has noticed that one of the biggest sources of lost time is the location of equipment to carry out maintenance, operations and commissioning activities on.