PCB Assembly Line

What is our PCB Assembly Line

Our PCB Assembly Line consists of a Neoden 4 pick & place machine and a Neoden IN12 reflow oven. The Neoden 4 can hold up to 48 reels of components and has a placement rate of up to 10,000 components per hour. The IN12, with its 12 independent temperature zones and conveyor track will reflow a PCB panel in 6 minutes and can be fed with panels continuously for high throughput.

What it’s used for in IMR

We use this equipment to provide PCB assembly services for organisations with a requirement to run a small batch of boards, typically at the prototype and early production stages. We will hold customer components and will provide a quick turn-around on requests for short builds, cost-effectively.


The PCB assembly equipment enables IMR to provide a full prototype product development service – from requirements capture through design (hardware and firmware,) initial PCB build and design for manufacture review. We assist organisations in bringing a product from concept through to the stage where it can be passed to a volume manufacturing organisation.


Our prototype product development services include enclosure design (for both 3D printed prototypes to injection tooling appropriate designs) and the development of factory test jigs to enable automated factory testing.

What products can be created with it

  • Test automation hardware;
  • IoT sensors;
  • Industrial sensors;
  • Any embedded electronic device.

To find out more, contact us.

