End Effectors

What it is

IMR is equipped with a wide range of end effectors for robotic systems, from electric, pneumatic, and flexible grippers, to end-effectors which are explicitly designed for human-robot collaborative applications. They include:


  • OnRobot RG2 flexible electric grippers
  • Robotiq 3-finger gripper
  • Schunk Co-act EGPs for collaborative applications
  • Soft Robotics modular gripping system
  • Piab vacuum gripper
  • OnRobot vacuum gripper
  • Zimmer electric grippers
  • Festo Grippers
  • Schunk EGP, EGH, MEGP grippers
  • AFAG electric gripper

What it’s used for in IMR

IMR’s end effectors are an essential part of each robot system, executing a range of applications from force assembly tasks, fast pick and place operations and transporting vision systems.

