The CISC project aims to bridge the gap between AI research and industrial applications.
The European Union is a global leader in the research of ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI), but it lags behind the USA and China in its industrial applications. The new Horizon 2020 project Collaborative Intelligence for Safety Critical systems (CISC) will seek to facilitate the technology transfer from leading research institutes to relevant industrial application in the field of collaborative robotics.
Leveraging on the EU’s human-centric AI approach, CISC will provide high-level training to 14 world-class scientists, forging an inter-disciplinary skill set for the development of collaborative intelligence systems and connecting research with industrial applications.
The CISC project is a joint effort of organisations from academia and business. It is coordinated by the H2020 framework’s Marie Skłodowska Curie action. The importance and potential of AI-driven automation in domains like manufacturing, healthcare and transport is tremendous. However, few understand the importance of AI systems’ interaction and collaboration with humans. CISC will train researchers capable of addressing this shortcoming and contribute to the EU human-centric approach to artificial intelligence.
In the project framework, IMR will recruit a PhD researcher specialising in Human Robot collaboration. The researcher will be enrolled in the PhD programme of Technological University Dublin and will be guided by two academic advisors Prof John Kelleher and Dr Philip Long. The scientific goals of the researcher will be to focus on how exteroceptive sensor, human-in-the-loop control architecture and learning from demonstration can improve the productivity of a cell reducing installation time and increasing robustness to modelling errors. At the same time, the physical and socio-psychological implications for the humans sharing an industrial workspace with a robot will be analysed.
The researcher will be seconded for 6 months at Polytechnic University of Turin (POLITO) to investigate innovative safety engineering assessment methods and for 12 months in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering from Kragujevac (FINK) to work on data collection and analysis.
Besides hiring and co-mentoring the researcher, IMR leads Work Package 5 – “Design of Experiments for System Safety engineering in LIVELABS”. WP5 focuses on the design, development and implementation of experiment for safe collaborative robotics and human machine interaction. These industrially relevant robotics cells will be located in IMR’s pilot factory in Mullingar Ireland and will be used by researchers across the consortium for testing and validation.
Official project website:
Cordis site:
CISC project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 955901
Robotics and Automation