Brokerage and Business Linkages


An important part of IMR’s role in being a One-Stop-Shop is facilitating engagements across its wider network and ecosystem of contacts in Ireland and across Europe to ensure Irish-based industry has a straightforward mechanism to access the most relevant contacts, knowledge and resources to develop their future roadmaps. IMR has demonstrated many successful examples of this brokerage such as helping Croom Medical access and win funding in Europe via the SME instrument and helping McHale win specialist researcher staff under the Career-Fit program.


“We are delighted to receive confirmation that we have been successful in gaining funding from the EU on SME Instrument.  This will place a suitable candidate with us for 12 months to the value of €100k. This would not have been possible without Ann reaching out informing us of the mechanism.  It’s been very much appreciated!” (Patrick Byrnes, Operations Director, Croom Precision Medical).